The Foes(& Friends) Of Noble Bretonnia

Many are the enemies of Chivalry but strong are chivalry's defenders. Whilst not all of them are true foes, in fact, some of them are strong allies in harsh times, they all have come to blows with the Lady's followers at one time or another and as such it is important to list them all here:

The Empire is the largest nation of men, it uses blackpowder to blow apart foes. Many, many men march under this powerful nation's banner. The Empire:
The Empire has been both trusted friend and bitter foe in our history. They use most dishonourable weapons, blackpowder guns that can punch through a brave knight's armour and cannons that can decimate a cavalry charge. A few among them however, are very honourable, for Knightly Orders are almost always included in Empire armies, these knights are an equal match to our knights and should be both respected and feared, just like our knights.

When not at war with us, the Empire trades with us and together the Empire and Bretonnia work on ridding the lands of the foul Greenskin menace. Sometimes an honourable individual from their ranks participates in a Bretonnian joust, this usally ends in defeat for them but they show honour even in defeat, an admirable trait.

Savage and mighty, Orcs are an enemy to be reckoned with. Orcs & Goblins:
The Orcs are one of Bretonnia's main opponents. They vastly outnumber us and are able to withstand blows that would kill a normal man and are able to use their deadly "choppas" to lethal effect. The Errantry Wars threw most of these stinking, slow-witted but amazingly dangerous Orcs from our beautiful land, but some still remain.

Goblins are a far more insidious race than the Orcs, loving to torture, loving to maim. Goblins are a worthless species that have but one use, to fall under our glorious troop's attacks. Goblins are thankfully cowardice and thus their endless numbers do falter and flee if the battles turns against them.

Snotlings are the smallest, weakest and dumbest in the Greenskin horde, they come gibbering and frothing into our ranks and are slaughted as if they were cattle. Do not waste your knight's effort on these scum, for they are not worth it. Watch out however, for while stupid, weak and small, numberless hordes of numberless hordes of these evil creatures exist, and in such great numbers they are strong.

The bearded dwarfs are renown for their ability to mine gold, drink great amounts of ale and kill greater amounts of greenskins. Dwarfs:
Dwarfs are stout, both of body and heart, and wage an endless war against Night Goblins and other Greenskins. The Dwarfs enjoy strong ale, finely made weapons and armour, and boasting. The race of Dwarfs are also legendary in their grudges, keeping a book of every dwarf slain by a foe, every wrong done to them, so that one day they can repay all of them with the wrong-doer's blood.

Dwarfs are the only race that does not study magic, instead they put their faith in finely crafted runes, which can sometimes turn the tide of battles all by themselves! Dwarfs are not a warlike race, they are just very proud and very harassed by Greenskins.

The Skaven are a back-stabbing race of ratmen. Cowardly but cunning is but one way to describe them. Skaven:
The Skaven are a race of rat-like humanoids who deleight in inflicting poisonous wounds and spreading disease. The Empire foolishly covers up the existance of these fetid rat-men, who cannot be trusted and deserve nothing but a quick and brutal death.

It is said that the Skaven are broken up into four clans who are always warring and bickering between themselves, each one trying to bring about humanity, and everyone else's, downfall in their own, unique way. Plague Monks, Rat Ogres, Warpfire Throwers and Assassians are within their putrid ranks, along with Clanrats, Stormvermin and Gutterrunners.

The Slann are powerful mages who have wisdom and power that few can match. Lizardmen: These reptillian people are not evil or dishonourable, nor are they avid fighters for the side of good. They are, they say, on a task given to them by the ancient and powerful Old Ones, to contemplate and study the stars and planets that inhabit the sky above us.

The Lizardmen live in cities of ancient wonder, temples made of gold, relics studded with gems of uncountable wealth. Many times has expeditions of men, both Empire and Bretonnian, ventured into Lizardman realms to try to take some of these wonderous artifacts home with them, few have returned, fewer still with anything of value.

Unmatched in evil. Dark Elves are a horror that many fear more than death itself. Dark Elves:
Truly the servants of Slannesh and Khaine are unfettered evil. Dark Elves love to inflict pain and suffering on those who them capture, or rip them to pieces on the dreaded Altar Of Khaine. Spare no mercy for the Druuchi, for they would spare no mercy on you and your kin, let none escape and burn the dreaded Black Arks that bring so much suffering with them.

Witch Elves are female Dark Elves who are even more evil than the male of their kind. We shall speak no more of them for even thinking of their unending evil is bad enough, let me just say one last thing about them, kill them with prejudice and take no prisoners.

High Elves are a dwindling race of noble and couragous Elves High Elves:
Honourable Elves who are fighting against their dark kindred. The folk of Ulthuan can be kind and great allies, and at times they have been, at other times they can be ruthless killers who are as frightening to see as their dark cousins.

The High Elves are, however, good of heart and will spare your men mercy if they surrender, remember, it is more of a dishonour to throw your men's lives away needlessly than to surrender and let them live. If a High Elf force surrenders to you, then show them mercy and let them live, one day they might repay you for your kindness.

The blood-drinking vampires are a horrific foe that leave many men's hearts filled with terror. The Vampire Counts:
Vampire Counts are unholy and evil, they raise armies from the corpses of the fallen to bring darkness and dread to the lands, in Sylvania they plot their Necromantic schemes and await the right time to strike fear into the hearts of men.

They live off the blood of the living, drinking the lifeblood from the very veins of their hapless victims. Beware the forces of the dead, for they can cause horror and fear amongst your ranks and send lesser knights and men-at-arms alike running at the mere sight of these ghastly abominations.

It is said that Vampires come from a selection of bloodlines, each with its own traits and powers.

Wood Elves are a race of elves who zealously defend their borders. Many say that Wood Elves have the best archers in all the lands. Wood Elves:
The Wood Elves are cousins of the High Elves, but the wood elves are to be feared and left alone. They guard their wooded homes with bow and spear, and shoot down anybody who wanders into the woods without good reason. The Wood Elves are not evil though and if left alone will not harm you.

The wood elves are so attuned to the ways of their forest homes that they can call upon Treemen and Dryads to help them in times of need. Treemen are lumbering trees that can level regiments of men in minutes with their log-like arms and Dryads are smaller tree-spirits who assist the larger Treemen in battle.

The followers of the Ruinous Powers are the worlds greatest threat. The Four Gods of Chaos wish to throw the world into a state of unending agony. It must be stopped! Chaos:
The Ruinous Powers, The Enemy Within, many are the names and ways of chaos, many are the paths the followers of the dark gods walk. Some plant mistrust and doubt in the minds of simple-minded commoners, calling on them to rebel and cause havoc, and throw down their old ruler. Many openly take arms up against Bretonnia and the Empire and march to war with daemons from the Chaos Wastes.

No matter how they practise their dark beliefs, they all must be slain, for if they had their way the world would be a pit of agony where mad and evil gods rule. We must seek out and destroy Chaos, or die trying, for the alternative is too horrible to comprehend. We shall succeed, for we must!

Khemri Kings can make use of the deadly light chariots, smaller and less powerful than normal chariots but able to bunch together into great fleets of wheeled death! The Tomb Kings Of Khemri:
The kingdom of Khemri was once great and powerful, but it fell into ruin and was lost to the world. One day, many hundreds of years ago Nagash tried a spell to raise the armies of Khemri but it went awry, and the Tomb Kings were raised with minds of their own. Now they seek to reclaim their old kingdom, and Bretonnia is in their sights!

The Chaos Dwarfs use weaponry like rockets, cannons and Blunderbusses Chaos Dwarfs:
In a far off land are the Chaos Dwarfs, tusked and cruel dwarfs who have countless thousands of slaves working for them. Not much else is known of them except they employ (make slaves of) Hobgoblins, who are taller and more cruel (now that's saying something!) than ordinary Goblins.

Beastmen are strong, swift and are able to ambush their foes from unexpected angles. Beastmen:
These beastial followers of Chaos are in a secret war against the Wood Elves, they seek to turn the forests of Loren into dark and Chaotic places. If these brutes succeed in their mission, we shall have a powerful enemy within our own borders!

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