Section 107

The ground before you is a pockmarked terrain of steaming vents that gush clouds of scalding vapours into the air. To cross this barrier you will need to watch the vents and time your movements so that you might pass beyond safely.

Test your agility attribute to traverse this hazard. If you are successful then you may pass through without loss or penalty. If you fail this test you have been burned and must take a 2 point reduction to your endurance points.

The effects of this room can be nullified with the use of either a Shield Stone or Force Stone. Using either of these stones will force the steaming vapours away from you and allow you an easier passage. If you choose to use either of these talismans turn to section 183. Any combats undertaken in such an environment must be resolved with a -2 penalty to your combat value unless you have one of the previously mentioned Sharyah.

Note: If you choose to traverse this room your torch will be extinguished unless you use a Shield Stone or Force Stone. You will need to discard the old and relight a new torch before you can continue. If you have no new torches, or a Sharyah'ka to light your way, turn to section 184.

The Torchlight Text Edition is the intellectual property of the author, Wayne F Densley, and all rights are reserved by him. Any questions regarding this title, or any other book in the Chronicles of Arborell series can be answered by emailing the author at