Flame Vents

The smell of ash wafts towards you in thick choking waves and you wait patiently for the heat that is to come. You know that the area ahead is dangerous, and that somewhere beneath your feet there is a great pressure building. Almost before you have time to ready yourself the ground vibrates to the rushing charge of gas as it surges upwards, and then explodes through small vents in the walls. Flame erupts in all directions, smoke and ash spewing out into the air ahead of you. Carefully you note each of the vents, and the extent of the flaming jets that explode from their smoking mouths. If you are to traverse this space you will have to guess the exact time to move and then run for all your worth. It is not something to attempt lightly.

Options: If you choose to try and pass beyond these flame vents you must take an intuition test and an agility test. If you pass both of these tests you will successfully avoid the flames and may continue on your quest. Turn to your Room Generation tables and see where your chosen exit shall take you.

If you fail either of these tests you will be burnt by the flames, and must take a reduction of 6 points to your endurance before leaving the room. If you survive this injury turn to your Room Generation tables and see where your chosen exit shall take you.

Flame Vents can however, be nullified with a Shield Stone. If you have one in your possession and wish to use it test your intuition attribute. If you are successful turn to section 164. If you are not successful the talisman cannot help you. If this is the case you must take your chances unprotected.

Note also: No combats can be undertaken in a room such as this. If an Encounter roll is indicated it must be disregarded for no creature alive or dead will enter such a place.

The Torchlight Text Edition is the intellectual property of the author, Wayne F Densley, and all rights are reserved by him. Any questions regarding this title, or any other book in the Chronicles of Arborell series can be answered by emailing the author at densleyw@shoal.net.au