Section 176

In the Hall of Winds

Against the power of the winds you can do little but stand in place, trying to keep your feet as the gales grow in power about you. There is nothing you can do, any attempt at resistance brings with it an increase in the force of the bluster that holds you immobile. It is a situation that cannot be endured for long, but you have the answer in your pack. Desperately you drag it from your shoulders and take out the Shieldstone. In the face of the winds your pack is pulled from your hands, its contents disappearing into the wind-blown shadows, but you keep the talisman in your grip and hold it to you. With your boots beginning to slip upon the smooth stone you whisper the talisman's name and watch as it does its work.

From out of the air a shining blue sphere of light surrounds you, an enveloping barrier of energy that attacks the rushing winds, pushing them aside. Immediately the gales grow even stronger, and with the Shield stone in hand you watch as the hall starts to tear itself apart. Unable to touch you the Hall erupts in a fury that seems unstoppable. The winds that had been so determined to drive you out now claw at the walls of the chamber, bringing down huge chunks of stone and collapsing the high ceiling. If the Hall cannot force you out it is going to trap you instead.

Quickly you run for your chosen exit, and make the dark opening only seconds before the entire Hall collapses in on itself, a thundering impact of stone and dirt that throws you forward onto the floor of the passageway. Within the narrow corridor you pull yourself to your feet, and consider the lucky escape that fate has provided for you.

Options: You have made it out of the Hall of Winds but it has not been without cost. You have lost all the contents of your pack, and must now progress through the remainder of your quest with only your weapon and the Shield stone remaining in your possession. In the narrow passage that you now find yourself there is a torch discarded upon the dusty floor and you pick it up. It is a truth that Traebor is no place to go without illumination and you light it immediately. The only consolation that can be found in this outcome is that there is much that can be discovered within the ruins to aid you. If you are lucky you may find some of it. Before you continue on adjust your character sheet to account for these losses, then turn to your Room Generation tables and see where this corridor will lead you.

The Torchlight Text Edition is the intellectual property of the author, Wayne F Densley, and all rights are reserved by him. Any questions regarding this title, or any other book in the Chronicles of Arborell series can be answered by emailing the author at