Section 18

room type: medium chamber
exits: ahead, left
indicators: encounter, search

A dangerous intersection

Quietly you make your way down the passage until you come to a three-way junction. Ahead lay two possible exits from a medium-sized chamber, one directly ahead, another to the left, but as you emerge out into its open space you are given little time to consider what you should do next. Out of the darkness comes the rush of something moving quickly towards you, and in the confines of this ruin it can only be an attack.

Options: Turn to the Encounter List and determine what now confronts you. If you choose to fight then stand your ground. If you believe it prudent to retreat then follow the rules for doing so. If you defeat this creature, or use a Sharyah to force it to retreat, there is an opportunity to search the chamber if you wish to take it. The junction appears bare, but you can never tell exactly what you might find. Once you have finished here it will be time to move on. Choose an exit and turn to the Room Generation Tables to determine what you have found.

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The Torchlight Text Edition is the intellectual property of the author, Wayne F Densley, and all rights are reserved by him. Any questions regarding this title, or any other book in the Chronicles of Arborell series can be answered by emailing the author at