Section 187

A Matter of Illumination

In the absolute dark of the stairway you fumble through your pack looking for a new torch. Carefully you search your belongings but you find quickly that there are none to be had. Sweat begins to build upon your brow as you realise you have no more torches, and no other form of illumination to draw back the shadows. In the gloom you stand and consider what you should do. Without light you are easy prey to the denizens of these ruins, but you have spent too long finding the whereabouts of the Orncryst to stop now.

Hurriedly you shoulder your pack and draw your weapon. The only way you can go is down, and in the darkness you feel your way along the wall, taking each step in turn until you find yourself once again on a level flooring. For a moment you pause, feeling the air for any hint as to where you should now go, but you do not get the opportunity to decide.

From somewhere within the light-less chamber before you comes the low growl of a beast. You can see nothing, but take hold of your weapon all the firmer and face whatever may come. It is a brave stand, but one that cannot save you. Before you can react the beast attacks, and in the darkness you die, your screams echoing through the empty halls of Traebor. In this life your quest is over. Perhaps in another you will bring more torches.


The Torchlight Text Edition is the intellectual property of the author, Wayne F Densley, and all rights are reserved by him. Any questions regarding this title, or any other book in the Chronicles of Arborell series can be answered by emailing the author at