Section 198

The Crystal Room

In the blinding glare you shield your eyes and pull the Sharyah'caadis from your pack. Although the way forward is unobstructed you cannot shake the feeling that this dazzling wall of light is no accident. Carefully you hold the talisman before you and whisper its name.

Immediately you feel the talisman vibrate with energy. From its centre erupts a blue incandescence that spreads about you, dulling the reflective crystals and revealing the true nature of what lies before you. Inset within the nearest wall stands a small alcove, a shrine of some type, arched and exquisitely carved. Tentatively you move towards it and see that it must have once held a precious relic of some type, but it has long since been taken. There is something else here though, fallen in behind the shrine's carved arch.

Options: If you wish to see what it might be turn to your Search list. Once you have ascertained what you have found, it will be time to move on and take your chosen exit.

If you would rather leave it and continue on, then do that instead. Turn to your Room Generation table and discover what lies ahead.

The Torchlight Text Edition is the intellectual property of the author, Wayne F Densley, and all rights are reserved by him. Any questions regarding this title, or any other book in the Chronicles of Arborell series can be answered by emailing the author at