Section 26b

room type: a small four-way junction
exits: left, right, ahead
indicators: search

A four-way junction

Carefully you peer out from the shadows and consider the gloomy recesses of a small chamber that opens before you. The room is a meeting of four corridors, and in the light of your torch you can see that one wall has collapsed, pushed out onto the floor by the pressures of a mass of withered plant roots. You know that you are deep underground, and the presence of the decaying root system gives you pause to wonder at how far such tendrils might have spread within the Temple. It is a curiosity however, that cannot be allowed to delay your quest.

For a short time you consider which of the exits you should take, but in the gloom you realise that there is more than just rotting vegetation here. Inset into one of the walls is a small plaque of rusting bronze no bigger than a playing card. Upon its tarnished surface is a single phrase, ":thella ophar:". The meaning of the words are unknown to you, but prior experience has taught you that it is a marker indicating something is hidden within the room.

Options: If you wish to search the room before moving on turn to your Search list. If you find something of value record it on your character sheet and continue your quest. If however, you find something else it will be to Providence that you will need to look for help.

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The Torchlight Text Edition is the intellectual property of the author, Wayne F Densley, and all rights are reserved by him. Any questions regarding this title, or any other book in the Chronicles of Arborell series can be answered by emailing the author at