Section 7

room type: large cavern
exits: left
indicators: encounter, search

Something is watching you

From the cramped confines of the passage you emerge into a wide natural cavern. At one side you can see another exit from the chamber, but you sense that there is something here, lurking in the darkness. Slowly you ready your weapon and consider if it is worth continuing on.

Options: If you choose to traverse the cavern turn to your Encounter List and stand ready for a fight. If you are fortunate enough to survive the battle there is an opportunity to search this cavern. Others have passed this way before and many have not survived the experience, leaving equipment and other artifacts behind. If you find anything of value record it on your character sheet before you continue.

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The Torchlight Text Edition is the intellectual property of the author, Wayne F Densley, and all rights are reserved by him. Any questions regarding this title, or any other book in the Chronicles of Arborell series can be answered by emailing the author at