Trap List

Roll 1d10 and click on the corresponding number below to determine the trap found.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

1. Hanging Portcullis

Only the slightest of clicks alerts you to the release of a hidden mechanism. Suspended high overhead, you cannot see the hanging portcullis that waits in the darkness for the trigger that will send it hurtling downwards. Made of a grid of wooden beams it is edged with an array of spear points and spikes, designed to impale anyone who might be standing below. No-one who is hit by such a trap survives, and only those who are agile enough may jump out of the way in time.

Instinctively you jump forward, keenly aware of the tonnes of wood and steel that is falling down upon you. Test both your intuition and agility attributes. If you fail either of these tests turn to section 193. If you pass both then the portcullis slams into the ground behind you, embedding itself deep into the stone floor.

If the trap has been sprung in a small room or passageway the result of your lucky escape will be that any way back has been blocked. The only direction available to you will be forward. If you find that you must retrace your steps, or have come to a dead-end at some point ahead and this is your only way back, the detonation of a flashcharge will be the only way that you will be able to topple this blockage. If you do not have a flashcharge then you may be in trouble. Any player who finds himself blocked from continuing is considered to be trapped and will perish. Under these circumstances your quest is over.

If the trap has been sprung in a large room or cavern the previous consequences do not apply. The fall of a hanging portcullis is simply something you have survived and it will not restrict your movement. Continue on with your adventure as you see fit.

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2. Rockfall

In a fateful instant you feel the muffled click of a trap mechanism beneath your foot. For a moment you hesitate, unsure of what will happen if you remove your boot from the floor, but danger looms close. A rumbling sound in the air above sends a chill down your spine, its growing clatter a sure sign that you have triggered a rockfall. You have no time to waste...

Rockfall traps are some of the most cunning devices built into the ruins of Traebor. Found in all parts of the labyrinth, they are suspended in the ceiling of larger chambers, and built into the walls of smaller rooms and passages. All are activated by a footfall trigger, usually concealed beneath a floor tile or step. Triggering the trap will release a deadly fall of stone and sand that both smothers and crushes its victim. To be caught beneath one is a near certain doom.

Test your intuition and agility attributes. If you pass both you have avoided the rockfall and can move on, with nothing more than a layer of dust as a souvenir of your close call. If this has been your fate you brush yourself off and consider where you should now go.

If you fail either of these tests the rockfall hits you hard, but you are not dead just yet. Test your luck attribute. If you fail the test the rockfall has done its job and your quest is over. If you pass the luck test you have avoided the main bulk of the collapse and there is still a chance that you can force your way out of the smothering embrace of the trap. Some good luck has put you at the edge of the fall, and if you are strong enough you may be able to push your way out.

Test your strength attribute. If you pass this test you have found a way out from beneath the rockfall, but it has come at a cost. Deduct four endurance points from your endurance level and continue on. If you fail this test the rockfall has killed you, its choking blanket of stone and sand too difficult to extricate yourself from. In this life your quest is over.

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3. Impaler

Carefully you look to see what you can find, but there is a danger here that resides beneath the stone flooring. A loud click heralds a grinding turning of gears somewhere in the stone beneath your feet, and before you can move the floor begins to shudder...

You have set off an Impaler trap, a gruesome device that is almost impossible to avoid. Around you the ground begins to splinter as razor-sharp spikes thrust their way up from beneath the flagstones. All around you a forest of protruding metal inexorably raises itself, and you have only a few seconds to avoid them before one will find a purchase in your flesh.

Test your agility attribute. If you are successful you have avoided the spikes before they became too thick. If this is the case the spikes will raise themselves to their fullest height, and then retract back into the floor. It is advisable that you do not cross this space again unless you absolutely have to. If it is necessary to do so roll a 1d10. An even number will allow you to cross without difficulty. An odd number will re-activate the trap and you will need to test against your agility attribute again.

If you are not successful with your agility test then things will not go well for you. Turn to section 199 to determine your fate.

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4. Trap Malfunction

In the gloom you search, but come to an abrupt halt when you hear the tell-tale sound of a trap mechanism releasing. Instinctively you lunge sideways, desperate to avoid a certain death, unsure of what it is you have triggered. Quickly you roll back to your feet, and rather than the rush of some unknown doom you hear instead the grinding shudder of rusted gears splintering somewhere in the stone floor beneath you. In a shattering collapse the flagstones only a few metres from your feet bow upwards and then sink into a dark hole. Then all is again quiet.

You do not dare move, but there comes no further hint of danger. Whatever the trap may have been its age has worked against it, and for once a small piece of luck has come your way. With a sigh of relief you move on.

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5. Pitfall

Focused on your search you do not notice the wide slab of stone until it is almost too late. In a smooth release the floor falls away beneath you, a wide gap opening into a deep pit below. You have no time to think and desperately throw yourself forwards, trying to find a handhold on the edge of the remaining floorstones. If you cannot you will fall to your death...

Test your agility attribute. If you are successful you find a purchase against the edge of the pit and haul yourself out. If you are unsuccessful you hit the side of the pit, and become entangled in a wall of crumbling dirt and old roots. Below you the hole reaches into the depths, but your salvation can only come from using the desiccated roots to climb out.

Test your strength attribute twice. If you succeed on both tests you pull yourself out of the pit, and can thank Providence that you had the strength to do so. Your effort however, has not left you untouched. Deduct 3 endurance points from your endurance level before you continue. If you fail either of these strength tests you will not have the strength required to save yourself, and it will be into the depths that you shall fall. In this case your quest is over, and it will be to a latter life that you will have to look for better luck.

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6. Volley Trap

Out of the gloom you hear the unmistakable sound of compressed gas escaping through metal pipes. In a shrill explosion of vapour a multitude of small metal darts lace the air. You have set off a Volley trap, and any one of its many projectiles can kill. You are in deep trouble.

Test your intuition and agility attributes. If you are successful on both tests you fall to the hard floor and flatten yourself against it. Just above your head a volley of darts flick through the air, but you have been quick enough to avoid the onslaught. You will live to continue your quest.

If you fail either of these tests you have been hit by one of the darts, and there is a price that must be paid. Roll 2d10 and deduct the number rolled from your endurance level. If this number will reduce your endurance to zero the trap has done its work and your quest is over. If you still have endurance points left you have been lucky and have survived the trap. You will live to continue your quest. If this is the case it is time to move on...

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7. Toxic Gas

Carefully you search, but are brought to a halt by the faint hint of a familiar odour on the air. Long ago one of your mentors opened a small pouch of chemicals in front of your face, and then watched as you were overcome by its potent vapours. It was a smell you could never forget, and in the dark you recognise it immediately. It is a toxic gas, and it will kill you if you do not move quickly.

Somehow you have triggered a gas trap, one that will kill you if you do not leave the vicinity. If you are in a small room or passageway test your agility attribute. If you are successful you run for clearer air, and find it in the next chamber. If you fail this test the gas will overcome you before you can get away. Under this circumstance your quest is over.

If you are in a large room or cavern getting away is slightly harder. Test your agility attribute twice. If you succeed with both tests you make it clear of the gas. If you fail either of these tests the gas will have done its work before you could escape the room. It will then be to a latter life that you will need to look for better luck.

None of these rules applies however, if you have either a Force stone or a Shield stone. If you have one of these Sharyah in your possession you can use them to keep the gas at bay while you make your way out of the chamber. You don't even have to hurry.

If you choose to use one of these talismans whisper its ancient name and test your intuition attribute. If you are successful turn to section 190. If you are unsuccessful the Sharyah cannot help you, and you will have to move quickly before the deadly fumes finish their work.

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8. Iron Claw

In the darkness you pause for a moment. In the fine mist of dust throw up by your movement you can see a web of thin blue lines of light cutting across the room. One of these traces of shimmering light has been cut by your leg, and you know the moment you move a trap will trigger. Carefully you look about the room but can see no visible evidence of what type of trap you will spring. It is only as you look along the floor that you see the tell-tale indentations of an Iron Claw trap surrounding you.

Of all the traps built into the ruins of Traebor, the most gruesome and efficient is the Iron Claw. Consisting of two curving pieces of razor-sharp iron the trap springs from the floor, designed to sever a creature's body from its legs. For a Dungeon Crawler such a trap is lethal.

Unlike all other traps that can be found in the underworld of Arborell there is no escape from the Iron Claw. To move your leg away from the tracery of blue light will mean an instant death, the trap mechanism so powerful that it will strike, and then retract before your legless body has time to hit the floor. Your only hope is that the trap is so old that it will not function.

Throw a 1d10. If you throw a 1 the trap does not work. If this is the case your life has been spared, and the remainder of your quest awaits you. Throw any other number and the only sound that will be heard in the dark passages of Traebor will be the few screams you will make before you die. If this is the case you will have to look to another life to find better luck.

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9. Rockfall

In a fateful instant you feel the muffled click of a trap mechanism beneath your foot. For a moment you hesitate, unsure of what will happen if you remove your boot from the floor, but danger looms close. A rumbling sound in the air above sends a chill down your spine, its growing clatter a sure sign that you have triggered a rockfall. You have no time to waste...

Rockfall traps are some of the most cunning devices built into the ruins of Traebor. Found in all parts of the labyrinth, they are suspended in the ceiling of larger chambers, and built into the walls of smaller rooms and passages. All are activated by a footfall trigger, usually concealed beneath a floor tile or step. Triggering the trap will release a deadly fall of stone and sand that both smothers and crushes its victim. To be caught beneath one is a near certain doom.

Test your intuition and agility attributes. If you pass both you have avoided the rockfall and can move on, with nothing more than a layer of dust as a souvenir of your close call.

If you fail either of these tests the rockfall hits you hard, but you are not dead just yet. Test your luck attribute. If you fail the test the rockfall has done its job and your quest is over. If you pass the luck test there is still a chance that you can force your way out of the smothering embrace of the trap. Some good luck has put you at the edge of the fall, and there is still a chance that you can push your way out.

Test your strength attribute. If you pass this test you have found a way out from beneath the rockfall, but it has come at a cost. Deduct four endurance points from your endurance level and continue on. If you fail this test the rockfall has killed you, its choking blanket of stone and sand too difficult to extricate yourself from. In this life your quest is over.

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10. Trap Malfunction

In the gloom you search, but come to an abrupt halt when you hear the tell-tale sound of a trap mechanism releasing. Instinctively you lunge sideways, desperate to avoid a certain death, unsure of what it is you have triggered. Quickly you roll back to your feet, and rather than the rush of some unknown doom you hear instead the grinding shudder of rusted gears splintering somewhere in the stone floor beneath you. In a shattering impact the flagstones ahead fracture, then come to rest as if something has unsuccessfully tried to puncture its way through from below. In the darkness the air is filled with dust.

You do not dare move, but there comes no further hint of danger. Whatever the trap may have been its age has worked against it, and for once a small piece of luck has come your way. With a sigh of relief you move on.

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The Torchlight Text Edition is the intellectual property of the author, Wayne F Densley, and all rights are reserved by him. Any questions regarding this title, or any other book in the Chronicles of Arborell series can be answered by emailing the author at