Death & Taxes

Arthur and his men were given the task that most unlucky guardsmen got, protecting the Tax Collector. The poor sap was almost always attacked because in this area many groups of disgruntled peasants and bandits roamed the land. They were always attacking these sorts of escorts in the hope of stealing away with the King's gold.

Little did Arthur know that many hidden men were hiding within the forests surrounding the travel route. They had a plan and it was simple, while their leader attacked from the front, they would grab the bag of tax money off the Tax Collector and escape into the woods...

In this battle I was playing a play-test of the Collecting The Taxes scenario, I played as the Revolutionaries.

The Tax Collector And His Guard:
- The Tax Collector (0 pts)
- 1 Man-At-Arms Sergeant with Shield, Light Armour and Spear (7 points, free upgrade to Sergeant)
- 2 Men-At-Arms with Spears, Light Armour and Shields (14 pts)
- 6 Men-At-Arms with Halberd and Light Armour (36 pts)

The Raiding Revolutionaries:
- The Revolutionary Character (0 pts)
- 8 Peasants with Hand Weapons and Shields (24 pts)
- 2 Bowmen (16 pts)

The board had a dirt road going through the middle from one side to the other and small clumps of forest on either side of the road. A huge fallen tree was also in the forest, it was surrounded by many bushes. The board was 36" x 36". A massive standing stone was almost on top of the road on the southern side of the board (the road went from north to south).

The Tax Collector set up his men in a bunch on the north end of the road, with his various Men-At-Arms almost surrounding the Tax Collector to protect him, the Sergeant was facing directly down the road.

I set up with both Bowmen and my Character on the opposite end of the road, if the Tax Collector tried to dash for the exit at the beginning he would either be killed by arrows or attacked by my Character. My mob of Peasants were placed as close as possible to the enemy's flanks inside the eastern forest. This promised to be a very fun game, I had to get and escape with the Money Token quickly, as my Peasants had no hope of defeating the Men-At-Arms in a normal fight!

I rolled a 6 (altered to 7 because of the +1) and my opponent rolled a 3, so I went first!


My Peasant mob moved through the forest, heading closer to the enemy's flank. My Revolutionary Character moved a full 16" towards the Tax Collector's protectors, lowering his lance to charge next turn.

One bowmen missed and the other hit a Man-At-Arms but failed to wound, obviously the arrow bounced off his chainmail armour.

No combats yet but that is set to change!!!


Half of my opponent's Men-At-Arms headed into the forest, seeking to root out the Peasants hiding within. The other half, including the Sergeant, formed a line blocking my Revolutionary Character's line of sight to the Tax Collector. The Tax Collector himself just stood still.

No shooting or combats this turn.


Shouting a war cry, my Revolutionary Character charged the line of Men-At-Arms protecting the Tax Collector, aiming his lance directly for the Captain, one of the normal troops who had a halberd intercepted the charge though! Blast! My Peasants charged at the Men-At-Arms who were after them but only one made it to combat.

My Bowmen missed terribly, their arrows flying into the forest, far off target.

The melee between the Peasant and the Man-At-Arms with a spear was draw, with neither of them hurting the other. My Revolutionary Character one the other hand Stunned the Man-At-Arms that intercepted the charge, his horse also wounded the unlucky trooper but only got another Stunned result. He was down but not out!


With a roar the Men-At-Arms charged to the rescue of their fallen comrade, the Captain and two Men-At-Arms attacking my Character, I was in trouble! The Men-At-Arms in the forest also charged my Peasants and the Tax Collector galloped past all of the combats, heading for the exit! My Bowmen would have to save the day!!!

The three on one fight against my valourous Revolutionary Character was very exciting, if they killed him the game was over! Luckily for me they failed to hurt my main warrior and he managed to kill one of the normal Men-At-Arms. Two of my Peasants were Stunned by attacks but nothing else happened during that Combat Phase.


The Peasants charged to their fellow's rescue and did glorious combat against the Men-At-Arms, or something like that anyways. My Bowmen aimed their bows and let's hope their arrows fly true!

Yeah! Both arrows hit and wounded, the armour saves were failed and a Stunned and Out Of Action result was rolled! The now dead Tax Collector fell from his mount, two arrows imbedded in his chest. The Money Token was now just lying on the road!!!

The Peasant Vs Men-At-Arms fight was still going strong, with one Halberdier dying from a lucky attack and a Peasant getting Knocked Down after barely dodging a halberd swing. The vicious fighting between my Revolutionary Character and the two surviving Men-At-Arms continued, the footmen were still unable to wound me and one more of their number was killed by a Critical Hit!


The Man-At-Arms who was Stunned in turn 1 climbs to his feet and stumbles towards the Money Token! Oh no!

The battle in the forest continued with a Peasant dying after being chopped whilst Knocked Down on the ground and a Man-At-Arms was Knocked Down by a crafty trip-up attack from one of my Peasants. Another Critical Hit done by my Revolutionary Character (he's good at that, isn't he?) Stunned the Sergeant.


My Revolutionary Character chose the leave the wounded Sergeant alone and charge after the Man-At-Arms heading for the Money Token.

My Bowmen had no targets and had just saved the day last turn so they chose to sit back and look around at the trees.

The combat in the woods was a stalemate and no-one was killed but a few people on both sides were Knocked Down. My Revolutionary Character's lance just Knocked Down the person he charged.


The Man-At-Arms my Revolutionary Character had recently Knocked Down climbed to his feet couragously. The Sergeant went from Stunned to Knocked Down and a host of Knocked Down Men-At-Arms got up and re-joined the combat.

A Critical Hit from, yep, you guessed it, my Revolutionary Character beheaded the Man-At-Arms he was fighting and to add insult to injury the horse scored a Critical Hit too, making his dead body deader. One Peasant was hacked down in the combat in the forest.


My Revolutionary Character grabbed the Money Token! Yes! All he needed to do now was escape off the board!

Two arrows sped towards the Knocked Down Sergeant but failed to hit his wounded body.

Another of my Peasants died in the combat and so did one of the Men-At-Arms. No other wounds were caused in the melee. I suddenly realised that I had lost three men! That would have caused Rout tests but they don't apply in this game.


The Knocked Down Sergeant finally was able to climb to his feet and he then stumbled towards my Revolutionary Character, he was too far away though so I was safe.

No wounds were caused on either side in the combat that had raged through the entire game between my brave Peasants and the stalwart Men-At-Arms of the enemy.


My Revolutionary Character rode off into the forest, taking the Money Token with him, and made it to within 2" of thr table edge, victory was within my grasp!!!

My miracle Bowmen shot the enemy Sergeant dead! Wow! They are doing great!

The awesome battle in the forest continued unabaited, with no more kills caused but still plenty of Knocked Down rolls.


The melee in the forest was STILL going on, and yet again no one was killed, soon that battle had to end!

With no models not in combat the Sun King's turn ends and I hoped victory was mine.


My Revolutionary Character rides off the board carrying his valueable loot, I won!

Revolutionary Victory Points: 70
Sun King Victory Points: 12
Revolutionary Kills: 10
Sun King Kills: 4
Revolutionary Survivors: 9
Sun King Survivors: 3

Whoa! What a battle! My Bowmen proved a sound investment and the battle could have come to an early end if not for their amazing skill with the bow, they killed both the Tax Collector and the Sergeant! The Peasants didn't go to plan, they were supposed to get the Money Token and escape while my Revolutionary Character made a diversion but it turned out the other way! All in all, a greatly fun game.

With the huge sack of gold pieces strapped to his saddle, the leader of the raiders rode off into the forest, the sounds of battle still raging behind him. He wanted to return to help his comrades in the fight but knew that if he did he would risk the prize they had fought so hard to capture.

Back at the fight, a combat between some guardsmen and the raiders was still going strong and took several moments to come to an end, with all of the guardsmen dead or knocked out, the raiders returned back into the forest which they had came from, leaving a scene of devastation and battle behind.

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