The Starting Realm

It is up to the GM what each player starts with (although the GM should attempt to make every player’s start as equal as possible), but this section gives an example of a good starting position for the players.

Also, it must be noted that no Random Events or Matters of Adjudication occur during the first three turns of gameplay (unless the GM and the players agree otherwise).

Lands, People and Stockpiles

The starting lord is assumed to come prepared to the small realm which are now his lands. It is a good idea for each player to start with 5 to 10 Men-At-Arms, a fair number for defensive purposes, but will need to be improved to last long against Orcs or other such enemies. Of course, if the GM decides a certain player begins with an Orc Encampment nearby, the unfortunate player should begin with 15 to 20 Men-At-Arms, to give him a fighting chance against the Greenskins.

Besides Men-At-Arms, a lord needs Revenue and Food Stocks to give him a running start at ruling his lands. 100 Revenue and 200 Food Stocks make a good amount of assets and food. No Lord’s Taxes are paid for the starting 100 Revenue.

The normal starting amount of Land Squares for each player is 5. 2 of which are Serf Housing level Shelter Squares, 1 of which is a Farmstead Square, 1 of which is a Field Square and the last 1 of which is a Free Land Square. The average amount of Townsfolk is 45, which is increased to 50 when you include the 5 Farmers working at the Field Square who are living in the Farmstead Square. All lords also start with a Chateau (see Lords and Peasants, Part 1 for more information).

King’s Favour begins at 40%, as the lords are lesser known and need to prove themselves to the King before he will look upon them with any greater favour.

Subject’s Loyalty begins at 60%, as the people of the realms look with hope upon their new leaders.

Faith begins at 50%, showing average faith in the Lady of the Lake, which will either rise or fall, depending on how much a lord is willing to spend in order to retain the religious beliefs of his people.

The starting Food Stocks are enough to keep your starting level of people fed for a year without further stocks being added, but remember your population will grow and the Field Square will only be able to produce enough Food Stocks for a small population.

The starting Revenue amount is enough to pay all Upkeep for a year, upgrade your starting Free Land Square to another type of Land Square and possibly buy a new Free Land Square. Don’t blow your budget all at once, however, remember that you still have Lord Taxes and Upkeep to pay.

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This game is only fan rules, and no challenge is intended to any of the rights of Games Workshop. As I said, these rules are merely fan rules. Enjoy!