The Slow March of the Years

The Turns

In the "A Lord of Bretonnia" game, each turn is one Season. The game begins in Spring, then continues to Summer, then Autumn (known as Fall as well), and finally Winter, before the year begins anew. Each turn has three phases, and they are listed below.

The Resource Phase is the first phase. It comes first and is automatically performed by the GM each turn. In this phase, each player’s realm’s Statistics (Revenue, Townsfolk, ect.) are updated and the information is sent to each player via email.

The Decision Phase is the second phase. In the Decision Phase, each player decides what to do, how to spend his Revenue and everything else that is under his control and sends the information to the GM via email.

The End Phase does not take very long. Players who have finished their Decision Phase merely wait here for their fellow players to finish, before they all continue on to the next turn’s Resource Phase.

At the start of the Decision Phase, the GM sends the player an email, which takes the form of the lord’s attendant Scribe’s report on current events. All of the lord’s current statistics (Townsfolk, Revenue, ect) are also to be supplied with the email.

After reading over this email, the player responds, informing the GM of what actions he wishes to be put into effect. The GM then does so, and the Decision Phase ends.

The Seasons

Each of the different Seasons has a different special feature, and they are all listed below.

Spring is the season of growth, and is perfect conditions for the sowing of the crops. In these months, your fields may be sown. It is a foolish lord indeed who does not take advantage of the growing season!

Summer is the season when Spring’s seeds become crops to be Harvested. In these months, your farmers collect the Food Stocks of the harvest and hope they are enough to last them through the year. In addition, Summer is when the Harvest Day Festival is held, to thank the Lady for the harvest bounty.

Autumn is the season when a lord must carefully look over his Food Stocks and work out whether or not it will last through to next Summer’s Harvest. If not, now would be a good time to purchase Food Stocks from the Royal Granary. If you have an excess of Food Stocks, now is a good time to decide if he is going to sell off his excess Food Stocks to the Royal Granary, or keep the excess for harsher times.

Winter is the season of biting cold. It is the time when the past three season’s performance allows your realm to either survive the cold through good planning, or become weakened by the chill winds of Winter. Firstly, the amount of people who perish of natural causes in Winter is doubled. Secondly, all Requests for aid, and offers to buy or sell Food Stocks from the Royal Granary made in Winter are lost on a d6 roll of 1, 2 or 3, along with all Revenue or Food Stocks that the convoy carried. Lastly, no Free Land Squares may be upgraded to other types of Land Squares in Winter.

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This game is only fan rules, and no challenge is intended to any of the rights of Games Workshop. As I said, these rules are merely fan rules. Enjoy!