The History of Gothica of Haunted Clocks
(The Raven's Den)

The history of the estate of the Raven's Den, which rules over Gothica of Haunted Clocks, which lay on the borders of Mousillon, is recorded henceforth. All of the realm's history is here, from the first Spring of the great Lord Jesubaelith The Ironheart to the current date. A map of his holdings, and the surrounding countryside, is also here.

Spring of Year 1

Dear Sire...

I welcome thee to Gothica of Haunted Clocks, and as new lord of the land, I ask thee to look upon this report and read it carefully.

Alfred the Clockmaker is my name, and I shall serve you to my best abilities as your attendant Scribe. It is my duty to keep thee informed of all the happenings with the realm.

Firstly, I will give a general description of the countryside surrounding the estate. Then, I shall explain the different lands within your grand estate. Lastly, I'll report the current matters of state that need your attention. I hope that this report is satisfactory.

The road that leads north-east cuts into the Forest of Arden. Deep the forests are in that land, and many hundreds of dark creatures may be found within. The north-western road leads towards the great lands of Lyonesse, a Bretonnian realm of honour and chivalry.

To the west lay the Great Ocean, a body of water of tremendous size. A few small port cities may be found at the end of the road, but none are much larger than the estate you own.

To the south-east is Mousillon, the land of unrestful dead and dishonourable deeds. 'Tis a foul tarnish upon the history of our country, a weeping wound upon the landscape.

Now, to describe the lands within your estate. Firstly, the Chateau, named The Raven's Den, the building stands in the centre of the estate, able to see all of the lands from the vantage point that it has upon the hill.

Slightly south-east of The Raven's Den is the town, Ravenloft, named so in honour of the Chateau. The trustworthy subjects who live within are impressively loyal to you. Ten of them are armed and armoured as Men-At-Arms, ready to protect your lands and your life with all of their skills and strength.

South of The Raven's Den is a small area of land named Cragthorn, it is here that the Farmstead and Field of the estate has been built, and it is here that the Farmers live. It is the Farmers who live therein who will sow the crops and harvest the Food Stocks that will feed the rest of the population.

Next to an area of marshlands that is called the Marsh of the Faels, is an area of muddy, overgrown land named The Grey Meadows. A short distance north of the Chateau, this land has rich soil and, once cleared, would make a perfect area to build anything you wish upon. A small section of the land there has already been cleared, and is ready for development.

On the outskirts of the Forest of Arden sprawls a large section of flatlands within your control. Known as the Raven Flats, this section of land has nothing special about it, besides its size. If cleared, it will yield ample room to build upon.

Alongside the road to Lyonesse rests a smallish area of land. Called Lyonesse Way due to the road it stands next to, the lands there are almost bereft of any animal life at all, no apparent reason as to why this is the case exists. If the many rocks and ageing trees are cleared from the area, the Lyonesse Way could still be put to good usage.

The last sections of land within your grand estate are known as Southmark and the Pale Borders. Both and the nearest to the way to Mousillon and both are often visited by the living dead. Southmark, further from Mousillon than the Pale Borders, is less infested by the undead, but would still need some fighting to clear out those corpse-men that do befoul the lands with their unnatural presence.

The Pale Borders, on the other hand, are closest to Mousillon and are rife with Ghouls, Zombies and Skeletons. The people of your estate are thankful that the dead do not venture far past the Pale Borders, but the considerable threat the living dead pose will, in my humble commoner's opinion, need to be dealt with as soon as possible.

I shall now present before you the matters of state that need your attention:

The Lord's Tax for this Season is a small amount, only 1 Revenue. Should we pay it?

The Tax Rate at this time is Average. Do you wish this changed?

Rationing, at present, is set at Full Rations. If you wish, it could be decreased to Half Rations, which will lower moral but save Food Stocks for later use. Increasing it to Double Rations (having the opposite effect of Half Rations) is also a choice, as is not changing it at all.

The Season is Spring, the Season of growth. If we are to plant crops, we must do so now. Do you wish the Farmers to plant crops for this Summer Harvest? If so, at what quality?

The Men-At-Arms are courageous, but not many in number. This could be a problem if the Undead are to launch an attack on the estate. Do you wish to have more of the villagers given weapons and training, to join the ranks of the Men-At-Arms?

Lastly, the free land in The Grey Meadows is in perfect condition for building upon. Do you wish to take advantage of this now, or would you, in your wisdom, let the lands remain as they are for now?

Thus my first report to you is at an end. I await your reply with great interest.

Your servant,

Alfred the Clockmaker.

Revenue: 104
Food Stocks: 140
Townsfolk: 50 (has not grown since the start of the Season)
Idle Villagers: 45
Farmers: 5
Men-At-Arms: 10
Land Squares (Total): 5
Shelter Squares (Serf Level): 2
Farmstead Squares: 1
Field Squares: 1
Free Land Squares: 1
Tax Rate: Average Tax (1 Revenue per 4 Townsfolk or Men-At-Arms)
Rationing: Full Rations (1 Food Stock eaten for each Townsfolk or Man-At-Arms)
Subject's Loyalty: 62%
Faith: 48%
King's Favour: 40%

Lord's Response


I received your report in good stead and have made my decision on to how the realm should progress. We live within an ever-present darkness in this region, and it is by my word that we shall not hide from this darkness, but gloriously embrace it. From this day henceforth, all colours save black are banned within the realm of Gothica. If a peasant should be caught wearing any other colour, he will be beaten until he swears to adopt the glory of our land. The Men At Arms shall be given black, hooded cloaks, and must wear these when serving my realm. Within my realm all shall recognise me, for along with my armour of steel I shall bear a cloak of flowing midnight, and all shall know The Ironheart. In the shadows of corpse-men and night we shall honour the lady, not with pompous words or shows of heraldry, but with an iron will and dark determination.

We shall pay the needed taxes. Tax Rate and Rationing shall remain at the current level. We shall also sow the crops. Order the farmers to do so immediately. We shall also build a Field within the free land of the Grey Meadows. See that this is done.

Jesubaelith The Ironheart, Lord of Gothica.

Summer of Year 1

Dear Sire...

Spring has fallen before Summer, and now is the time for the Harvest. The dark that hangs over the estate persists, however, and the air is cool for this time of year, and oft carries to smell of rotting flesh from the city of Mousillon.

Your orders have been carried out. Two Fields were planted, and now both Fields have delivered a most excellent bounty. Enough the feed the population 'til next Spring, for sure.

The colour black now settles upon Gothica like a thick blanket. The streets are filled with black-garbed peasants, by your command.

The peasantry, despite the harshness of the lands near Mousillon, are happy under your rulership. They cannot fathom the reasoning behind not wearing any colour but black, but a few quick beatings have convinced any who doubted your wisdom, to comply.

Now, to the matters of state:

The Lord's Tax, once more, is 1 Revenue. Do you wish this to be paid?

The Season is Summer, and, with such a great bounty from the Fields, thanks must be paid to the Lady of the Lake. How much Revenue and Food Stocks do you wish to be spent on the annual Harvest Day Festival?

With all of your cleared land put to good use, you will need to clear more land before more development may commence. On another note, do you wish to build any smaller Upgrades at one of your already developed lands?

The Men-At-Arms are still few in number, do you wish to train some more?

Thus ends my Summer report. If any other actions besides those mentioned above need performing, just give the order and it shall be done, to the best of my abilities.

Your loyal scribe,

Alfred the Clockmaker

Revenue: 87
Food Stocks: 595
Townsfolk: 53 (has grown by 3 since the start of the Season)
Idle Villagers: 43
Farmers: 10
Men-At-Arms: 10
Land Squares (Total): 5
Shelter Squares (Serf Level): 2
Farmstead Squares: 1
Field Squares: 1
Free Land Squares: 1
Tax Rate: Average Tax (1 Revenue per 4 Townsfolk or Men-At-Arms)
Rationing: Full Rations (1 Food Stock eaten for each Townsfolk or Man-At-Arms)
Subject's Loyalty: 65%
Faith: 46%
King's Favour: 41%

Lord's Response


I have received your message and am pleased to see my will being worked upon this land. I am glad to see that all lowly bred peasants who defy me were callously beaten. Such is the punishment for dogs who do not obey their master.

It is indeed the time to honour our Lady, whose grace is only matched by her wisdom. We shall spend 20 Revenue and 100 Food Stocks from our supplies to show our adoration for the Lady. It shall be a grand feast, and when the celebrations reach the dead of night, I shall personally ride out on my black warhorse to observe proceedings.

Pay the Lord's Tax in full, and bring him greetings from Gothica.

From the strongest men in our town select 5 to be trained into the Men At Arms. These soldiers will help defend us from the horrors which surround us.

And now, Alfred, I have some business which must be treated with great secracy. We shall establish a new devotion to our Lady of The Lake, and it shall be named The Raven's Levy. Every season, a small strip of paper shall be drawn from a bucket. This paper shall bear the name of an adult aged peasant of the realm. At that time the peasant shall be told he is destined to die for the Lady as a human sacrifice. In the middle of night he will be taken to my castle, and thereafter his fate shall not be known to the common populace other than he has died for the glory of his lord, god and realm.

In reality, the peasant will be poisoned with tainted wine after dining at my table. After their holy death for the Lady, their flesh shall be boiled from their bones in a large cauldron and their skeleton added to a secret chamber in my Castle, where many of my enemies shall find their deathly fate. For I am the Ironheart, and my will shall be done.

See that all of the stated affairs are handled in the correct manner. Announce The Raven's Levy at the height of the Summer Harvest festivities.

Remember, good Alfred, I am your Master and my word is Law.

Jesubaelith The Ironheart, Lord of Gothica.

Autumn of Year 1

Dear Sire...

The Autumn has come and with it the days have grown shorter, and the dark of night longer.

I now give to thee my third Scribe's Report, and inform you of the happenings within your realm during this Season of Autumn.

Your black-clad subjects enjoyed the Harvest Day Festival greatly. The Food Stocks supplied was enough for many weeks food for each townsperson in the town. Needless to say, every single subject in Gothica ate until they were well and truly full.

The Revenue was spent on black flags with brilliantly detailed pictures of the Lady of the Lake. Storytellers, entertainers and many others were hired, and the celebrations lasted well into the morning of the next day.

I was glad to see you overlooking the proceedings, my most glorious lord, I hope you were able to at least sample some of the excellent food stuffs on offer.

A portion of the Food Stocks and Revenue you so generously provided for the event were offered to the Lady as tribute. Overall, the day and night of celebration gave a large boost to the Faith of the people in the Lady of the Lake.

Your word is Law, and so I carried out your orders to extract The Raven's Levy from one of the population. A blond man by the name of Corduin was the first to be sacrificed in the manner you instructed. I cannot fathom the reasons behind such an action, but in your most great wisdom I trust the sacrifice was necessary.

Corduin's skeletal remains now adorn the secret chamber you spoke of. Not even I know the position of this chamber, only yourself and the captain of the Men-At-Arms know of its location within the Chateau.

As you ordered, once per Season, the same sacrifice shall occur.

Now, as is my duty, I shall bring the matters of state before you.

The Lord's Tax for this Season is once more 1 Revenue.

All free land within your great realm has been built upon, and more land must be cleared before any more construction may begin. Do you wish to clear any land?

Currently, the Taxes are the only source of income for Gothica. Lord's Taxes, Upkeep and Wages deducted, only 1 Revenue is being made per Season. Not nearly enough for the growth of a realm. What, if anything, do you wish done to repair this?

The Men-At-Arms are stronger in number now, but still room for growth does exist. Do you wish more young men to be trained into Men-At-Arms?

Finally, both the Tax Rate and the Rationing amounts are set at average level. Do you wish to increase, or decrease, either of these important factors?

Thus I finish my third report to thee. I await thine wise orders with interest.

Your loyal scribe,

Alfred the Clockmaker.

Revenue: 63
Food Stocks: 435
Townsfolk: 45 (has fallen by 2 since the start of the Season)
Idle Villagers: 35
Farmers: 10
Men-At-Arms: 15
Land Squares (Total): 5
Shelter Squares (Serf Level): 2
Farmstead Squares: 1
Field Squares: 2
Tax Rate: Average Tax (1 Revenue per 4 Townsfolk or Men-At-Arms)
Rationing: Full Rations (1 Food Stock eaten for each Townsfolk or Man-At-Arms)
Subject's Loyalty: 67%
Faith: 58%
King's Favour: 42%

Lord's Response


From your report all seems to be going well. My plans are being executed as I desire. Such a chamber of skeletons shall be a mighty weapon of fear against treachery. I myself did greatly enjoy the Harvest festivities. I sampled many delights, and am sure my people enjoyed themselves in the same manner. But the time for idle folly is over, work is to be done and all such nonsense shall now be forgotten.

We shall pay the required tax. Send my greetings to the King.

I do indeed wish to clear some new land. Clear spot number 4 in Ravenloft in our grand realm. I would also wish to see a Marketplace be built on this newly cleared land. We need more gold coins to fund our realm, a marketplace would serve this need well.

In order to also increase of stocks of gold, the Tax Rate shall be increased to High. Have ruthless beatings inflicted upon any peasant who raises his voice in objection.

It is now time that a new devotion be made to our Lady. It shall now be mandatory for all peasants of Gothica to whip themselves at least three times per day, to show the purity of our faith. Again, inflict fearsome beatings on those who object.

See that my will is done. Anything else will end in a swift but deliciously painful execution.

Jesubaelith The Ironheart, Lord of Gothica and Dark Apostle of The Lady.

Winter of Year 1

Dear Sire...

The long Winter is upon us, and only the dead move freely throughout the lands of the estate. The Men-At-Arms have held off the handful of Zombies that have wandered, brainless, into Ravenloft, but I fear more are to come.

I have much to report to thee, and shall do my utmost to inform you of all things that occur within your realm.

The townspeople have accepted the harsher taxes and self-flagellation you commanded. I must commend you, milord, as your subjects are most loyal. They accept your word without much question, and only a few beatings were given out during the announcement of your orders.

The Market you ordered to be constructed was finished shortly before the Winter set in, and now houses the shops and stalls of your townspeople. Although the realm is dangerous, travellers often stop at Ravenloft to buy the goods on offer, and rest in a safe place.

As a final piece of news, before I bring you my report on the matters of state, I have some worrying tidings. As mentioned before, the Undead have made several minor "visits" to the town of Ravenloft. These usually involve one to five Zombies and are easily dealt with.

Unfortunately, I believe the Undead may be preparing to attack, and these reckless corpse-men are merely scouts of a larger attack to come in upcoming months. I hope I am not correct in my beliefs, but it is my duties to inform you, and now I have done so.

Other, more certain matters call for your attention, however, and I bring them before you now:

The Lord's Tax for this Winter is 3 Revenue. Should it be paid?

Unfortunately, the weather of this Season does not permit clearing of land, nor major construction upon cleared lands. This is mainly due to the biting cold, dangerous winds and slippery conditions that the snows and weather bring.

However, smaller Upgrades may be built on existing lands. For example, a Trade Guild in your Market would double the Revenue produced, as it would give the tradesmen a place to gather and talk. As well as offering aid to struggling shops and other useful purposes.

Currently, the population seems to be hovering at around 60 common-folk, but does not seem to be growing. If it is your wish, Rationing could be increased to Double Rations.

This would encourage growth, but use up much of the excess Food Stocks you own. 'Tis merely an idea my common mind had, and I am certain your wisdom will see if the idea has merit or not.

As the sound of the howling winds bellows outside my window, I finish my Winter report to you, milord, and hope that I have served you well.

Your loyal, humble servant.

Alfred the Clockmaker.

Revenue: 22
Food Stocks: 375
Townsfolk: 44 (has fallen by 1 since the start of the Season)
Idle Villagers: 0
Workers: 34
Farmers: 10
Men-At-Arms: 15
Land Squares (Total): 6
Shelter Squares (Serf Level): 2
Farmstead Squares: 1
Field Squares: 2
Market Squares: 1
Tax Rate: High Tax (1 Revenue per 2 Townsfolk or Men-At-Arms)
Rationing: Full Rations (1 Food Stock eaten for each Townsfolk or Man-At-Arms)
Subject's Loyalty: 67%
Faith: 56%
King's Favour: 43%

Lord's Response

Hail Alfred,

I received your message in good time, and am pleased with progress.

The approaching undead is a concern, but I am confident our current garrison of soldiers can handle any invasion of living corpses.

We shall pay the taxes. Build a Trade Guild within the Marketplace, the more gold we can raise, the better. Your suggestion for Double Rations is an admirable one. Do this, but only for this Winter season. I hope the people enjoy this luxury, it shall come rarely.

See that my will be done.

Jesubaelith The Ironheart, Lord of Gothica.

Spring of Year 2

Dear Sire...

The Winter has passed into memory and been replaced by the brilliant Spring. The undead have ceased their attacks, for now, as the cloud cover that usually can be found above has been banished from the estate by the sunlight of Spring.

Another piece of good news, this Spring marks the first anniversary of your rule in this realm! The black-clad peasantry of your realm let out a great cheer and had much celebration upon the start of the Spring Season, and many needed to be beaten to be convinced to return to work.

The Trade Guild which you commanded to be constructed has been finished, and now joins the stalls and shops of your realm in a single, unified front. This should keep more shops in business and increase commerce.

The peasantry greatly enjoyed the one Season increase to Double Rations. In fact, the population has increased by four due to your wise decision.

They accept that the Rationing must return to normal, however.

Now, to bring you the many matters of state that need your attention:

The Lord's Tax for this Season is 4 Revenue. Should we pay it?

In addition to the Lord's Tax, the King has sent out a request to all of his subjects. 40 Food Stocks is to come from each estate, to help feed the Royal Army, which is rumoured to be about to go on a great Crusade.

This ask is just a request, however, and we are not bound to pay it. However, I am sure that we could give over all 40 of the Food Stocks wanted and still be able to feed the population and plant crops.

Being Spring, it is now time to plant the crops of this year so that they may be Harvested in Summer. How many crops do you wish to plant, and at what quality should they be sown?

I have bad news to report to you also, milord. Folgar, one of your once-loyal subjects has committed Treachery!

It was discovered (by accident I must admit, milord) that this peasant was aiding Tilean spies when a patrol of Men-At-Arms come across Folgar and a Tilean speaking a short distance west of The Grey Meadows.

Unfortunately, the Tilean escaped, but Folgar was captured. He has since confessed to his crime, and told us that he was selling information about Bretonnia to a Tilean group who had recently landed via boat from the Great Ocean.

What is to be done with this fool, milord? What punishment shall be done unto him for his Major Crime?

Finally, If any actions of construction or troop training need to be done, just give the command and I shall see it done.

Your scribe,

Alfred the Clockmaker.

Revenue: 24
Food Stocks: 249
Townsfolk: 48 (has risen by 4 since the start of the Season)
Idle Villagers: 0
Workers: 38
Farmers: 10
Men-At-Arms: 15
Land Squares (Total): 6
Shelter Squares (Serf Level): 2
Farmstead Squares: 1
Field Squares: 2
Market Squares: 1
Tax Rate: High Tax (1 Revenue per 2 Townsfolk or Men-At-Arms)
Rationing: Full Rations (1 Food Stock eaten for each Townsfolk or Man-At-Arms)
Subject's Loyalty: 68%
Faith: 54%
King's Favour: 44%

Lord's Response


I am glad to see more pleasant weather emerging. However, my mood is not pleasant. I have been greatly and terribly angered. And now those who have angered me shall feel wrath like the fires of a Chaos Hell.

Take this degenerate Folgar, and have him tortured with whips, brands and beatings until he passes into unconsciousness, see that this takes many a day. Make his pain sting like fires and linger greatly. After this, drag his useless body to the town square, and have him publicly decapitated. Skewer the head on a pole as a warning to others, and make sure maggots are planted in this head to increase the horror of its appearance. Hack up the body and feed it to the pigs.

But treachery runs deep, and of all crimes shall be punished the highest. Take his wife and mother and burn them at the stake. Scatter their ashes into the marshes to disgrace their life.

Such are the glorious fruits of treachery.

Pay the King's Tax, and send him the requested food stocks. Send good words from my kingdom.

Plant the crops, at Average quality.

Also, train a new soldier for our Men At Arms. Every new soldier increases the strength of our kingdom, and shall help to stave off the living dead.

See that my will is done, and that all my orders are carried out swiftly.

Jesubaelith The Ironheart, Lord of Gothica.

Summer of Year 2

Dear Sire...

The Spring Season is no more, and has bowed before the humid heat of Summer. The Harvest has come, and I have much to report to thee, my liege.

Your orders were carried out. Folgar and his kin were put to death in the manner you specified, and their names are now spoken with dread. Grim is the fate of those who cross you, milord.

In addition to showing the population the price of treachery, 7 Revenue was gained by the selling off of the slain townspeople's possessions. This Revenue has been added to the stockpiles.

The King sends his thanks for the Lord's Tax payment, and the Food Stocks you gave over for the Great Crusade they are said to be departing on soon.

The largest and most imposing townsperson, a man by the name of Michael, has been added to the ranks of the Men-At-Arms. The number of warriors under your command now stands at a health sixteen (16).

I am also pleased to report no more Undead have been sighted of late. The sunlight and heat drives the living dead back into their dank lairs.

This year's Harvest was grand indeed. Both Fields yielded very high Food Stock, more than enough to feed the population and plant new crops in the coming year. An obvious sign that you are blessed by the Lady of the Lake, my lord.

I shall now present thee with the matters of state that require your attention:

The Lord's Tax for this Summer is a fair 3 Revenue. Do you wish it to be paid?

Our Revenue stocks are slowly increasing, but some options are available that would increase the level of income your grand Estate is receiving each Season. An Inn, for example, would increase wealth by attracting outsiders to stay for a few nights within your realm.

With such a wonderful gain from this year's Harvest, it is customary to hold a grand Harvest Day Festival. However, your word is Law, and it is your decision how much, if any, Revenue and Food Stocks are spent in the celebrations of this holy day.

Unfortunately, I also have another crime to report. A young man named Jean Luc, who is a relative of Folgar, has committed Vandalism.

Jean Luc, the fool that he is, protested your treatment of his relatives by attempting to break into your Chateau. I believe he had the intention of harming you, my lordship, as he carried a large knife.

He was foolish in the extreme, however, as three Men-At-Arms are present at all times within the Chateau, and he only managed to break in a window and climb into the Chateau before he was arrested, beaten and his foul personage taken to one of the Men-At-Arm's homes, to be held in custody. What should be Jean Luc's punishment be, milord, for this Minor Crime of Vandalism?

Finally, do you wish to perform any other actions? Construction, training and more may be done, just give the order and I shall see it done to the best of my skills.

Your humble scribe,

Alfred the Clockmaker.

Revenue: 30
Food Stocks: 566
Townsfolk: 43 (has fallen by 1 since the start of the Season)
Idle Villagers: 0
Workers: 33
Farmers: 10
Men-At-Arms: 16
Land Squares (Total): 6
Shelter Squares (Serf Level): 2
Farmstead Squares: 1
Field Squares: 2
Market Squares: 1
Tax Rate: High Tax (1 Revenue per 2 Townsfolk or Men-At-Arms)
Rationing: Full Rations (1 Food Stock eaten for each Townsfolk or Man-At-Arms)
Subject's Loyalty: 63%
Faith: 52%
King's Favour: 45%

Lord's Response


My displeasure is growing. Was not the agony of three slayings, torture and disgrace not enough to whip these scum into order? The family of this Folgar angers me greatly. They should know better than to cross The Ironheart. These fools seem to think me some hero of light, some champion of virtue. But nay, I am Jesubaelith the Ironheart, I am a devil of darkness and they shall burn in the fires of my rage.

Firstly I shall deal with this human bog-scum, Jean Luc. Have him tortured with whips, brands, beatings, knives and hot coals until he is on the verge of death. Make his suffering long and screaming. Then, drag his battered body to the town square and have him publicly decapitated. Skewer the head on a pole, and plant maggots within it.

Take the body and strip it carefully of flesh. Then, have my most expert taylor fashion it into a cloak. I shall wear this about myself as I hold council and sit upon my throne of black stone. The flesh of these dogs is suited for nothing more than common clothing. Have the skeleton shackled to the side of my throne. Oh, and have his wife burned at the stake. Scatter the ashes into the marshes.

And have every other member of his family, even the children, beaten with clubs. That should shake the fools into line. Further defiance from these fools shall see them one and all executed by burning at the stake. Let them know of this intention.

Pay the Lord's Tax.

Have an Inn built. Such a building will earn us much needed gold. I commend you for this idea Alfred, once more your wise words help sway Gothica into prosperity.

Spend 5 Revenue and 50 Food Stocks on a Harvest Day Festival. May the Lady be pleased.

Also, have the rations taken up to Double. Such a grand and rich harvest should be put to good use.

Jesubaelith The Ironheart, Lord of Gothica.

Autumn of Year 2

Dear Sire...

Autumn has come, and the land is dotted with the gnarled forms of leafless trees. The heat of Summer has also passed, and the first chill of the coming Winter may be felt in the air.

It seems the population has finally ceased in its disrespectful and criminal behaviour, no crimes have occured over the past Season. Your justice is firm, but effective, milord.

Your people are joyous at being given Double Rations. Growing in health and strength, the population is most thankful for the extra rationing. In addition, the number of people inhabiting the glorious Estate of Gothica has increased by about half a dozen in just the past Season!

Even more good news comes, the Inn you commanded to be constructed is now finished, and adds a steady stream of Revenue to our stockpiles. Already many travellers have visited your grand Estate, and the commerce they bring has helped the economy of your lands greatly.

Now, to the matters of state:

The Lord's Tax for this Autumn is a fair 5 Revenue, should it be paid?

Quite a lot of Revenue is flowing into your stockpiles now, milord. With profits from the Market, Trade Guild, Taxes and Inn coming together to give the Estate a income of about 30 Revenue per Season once the Upkeep and wage costs have been deducted.

With such excess Revenue, do you wish to clear any land, build any buildings or construct and minor Upgrades? Training Men-At-Arms is also an option, if you, in your wisdom, command it.

Looking over the Food Stocks the realm currently owns, we have enough Food Stocks to feed the population for the coming year, and plant next Season's Harvest. It is a credit to you, as their lord, that the people never go hungry.

I am happy to report all is quiet within the realm. No foul creatures have harassed your population, and none of your people have turned to crime this Season.

Thus ends my report.

Your scribe,

Alfred the Clockmaker.

Revenue: 47
Food Stocks: 438
Townsfolk: 48 (has grown by 7 since the start of the Season)
Idle Villagers: 0
Workers: 38
Farmers: 10
Men-At-Arms: 16
Land Squares (Total): 6
Shelter Squares (Serf Level): 2
Farmstead Squares: 1
Field Squares: 2
Market Squares: 1
Trade Guilds: 1
Inns: 1
Tax Rate: High Tax (1 Revenue per 2 Townsfolk or Men-At-Arms)
Rationing: Double Rations (2 Food Stocks eaten for each Townsfolk or Man-At-Arms)
Subject's Loyalty: 59%
Faith: 56%
King's Favour: 46%

Lord's Response


I am greatly pleased at reported progress, I can see that Gothica will become a power to be feared. A power that will eventually cower to no man nor God.

Pay the requested taxes.

There is little to do this calm season. Build a monument in Ravenloft. Make it a towering, gothic clock of majesty to our land. Have the ringing of its chimes resound across our land, the echo shall remind all that I am the lord of Gothica. And it shalt be named the Howling of Mephisto.

Have a space (your choice Alfred) within Ravenloft cleared for building. If our revenue runs out, sell Food Stocks to cover the remaining cost. See that these things are done.

May the Darkness be exalted,

Jesubaelith The Ironheart, Lord of Gothica.

Winter of Year 2

Dear Sire...

I bid thee welcome to the second Winter of your glorious rule. The snows are heavy, and the days short. The entire Estate has fallen under a blanket of snow and cold.

The chill of Winter has claimed two of the townspeople so far, however, the prosperity brought on by your wise Double Rationing of Food Stocks has seen the population's growth rate far outweigh the deaths in the realm.

As ordered, the Howling of Mephisto no stands within the centre of Ravenloft, its grim tones informing all of the current time. Many artisans were employed, and many more Empire-made cogs were purchased for the inner workings of the clock.

The wondrously crafted structure is quite rare in Bretonnia, as most time-telling is done by the positioning of the sun or using a Sun Dial. The imposing building is quite a grand addition to the Estate. Well done indeed, milord.

No crimes were committed over the past Season, milord. Only a fool would break the Law in your Estate. Your skills as an Adjudicator are effective in the extreme.

All seems quiet in the Estate, as far as aggressive foes go. The occasional Zombie or Skeleton is seen, but the Undead have avoid conflict as of yet. Even the Undead know of your might, milord.

Now, I bring before you the matters of state for this Winter:

The Lord's Tax is once again 5 Revenue. Should we pay it?

Unfortunately, Winter does not allow land clearing or construction of any real kind to take place. The conditions are just too harsh. However, the construction of smaller Upgrades is quite possible. Do you wish to build any such structures during this Winter?

The population is growing quickly under the Double Rations in place at this time. Do you wish to keep the Food Stock Rationing at this rate, or should it be lowered?

The Tax Rate is currently set at High Tax. This is bringing in a tidy sum each Season, but also decreases the Loyalty of your subjects. Do you see any need to change the Tax Rate, my liege? A higher Tax Rate would bring in a huge sum of Revenue each Season, but would cause the population to become very angered, and possibly Revolt in a year or two.
A lower Tax Rate, on the other hand, would bring in less Revenue per Season, but happiness within the realm would grow quickly.

Finally, do you wish to perform any actions not mentioned in the above report, if so, just give the order.

There ends my second Winter report. Until next Season, my most wise lord, I bed thee farewell.

Your humble scribe,

Alfred the Clockmaker.

Revenue: 52
Food Stocks: 304
Townsfolk: 51 (has grown by 3 since the start of the Season)
Idle Villagers: 1
Workers: 40
Farmers: 10
Men-At-Arms: 16
Land Squares (Total): 6
Shelter Squares (Serf Level): 2
Farmstead Squares: 1
Field Squares: 2
Market Squares: 1
Trade Guilds: 1
Inns: 1
Monuments: 1
Tax Rate: High Tax (1 Revenue per 2 Townsfolk or Men-At-Arms)
Rationing: Double Rations (2 Food Stocks eaten for each Townsfolk or Man-At-Arms)
Subject's Loyalty: 65%
Faith: 64%
King's Favour: 47%

Lord's Response

Greetings Alfred,

There is little to speak of this season. Pay the Lord's Tax, and build an Animal Barn. Other than that, let the season pass idly.

Jesubaelith The Ironheart, Lord of Gothica.

Spring of Year 3

Dear Sire...

The Spring is once more upon us, and the Farmers are plowing the Fields, ready to sow crops upon your orders. The pleasant warmth has overcome the bitter chill, and all of the population are in good health and spirits.

The prosperity of the Estate continues under Double Rations, with a total of 8 new people moving in, or being born into, the Estate this Season. Rejoice! 75 People in total now live within your glorious Estate.

No crime has occurred this Season, your justice has convinced all of the folly of breaking the law in your realm, milord.

I am also pleased to tell you that the Revenue stocks are growing rapidly, and we ave enough funds to perform many actions over the coming Season.

The unusual amount of sunlight has forced the dead back to their graves, no Undead have been sighted over the past Season, milord.

The Howling of Mephisto continues to work splendidly, and grimly informs all within the Estate of the time. Whilst on the topic of Upgrades, the Animal Barn has been built, and will now shelter the population's cattle from the cold during the harsh Winters to come.

Now, as always, I shall inform you of the matters of state that beckon your attention:

The Lord's Tax for this pleasant Spring is a slightly large 5 Revenue. Should it be paid?

Being Spring, the growing Season, it is time to plant the crops. Of the two Fields under your control, how many do you wish to sow, and at what quality should those Fields be sown? I am certain that we can afford to plant Agricultural Crops on both Fields, which is fortunate indeed.

Construction is now an option once more, and our Revenue stockpiles are more than adequate for the task. No Free Land is currently in our possession, but that can quickly change. Do you wish to clear any land, or perhaps building smaller Upgrades would be the wiser choice?

Finally, if you wish anything else to be done over this grand Season, give the order and I shall see it done to the best of my abilities.

Your scribe,

Alfred the Clockmaker.

Revenue: 80
Food Stocks: 154
Townsfolk: 59 (has grown by 8 since the start of the Season)
Idle Villagers: 9
Workers: 40
Farmers: 10
Men-At-Arms: 16
Land Squares (Total): 6
Shelter Squares (Serf Level): 2
Farmstead Squares: 1
Field Squares: 2
Animal Barns: 1
Market Squares: 1
Trade Guilds: 1
Inns: 1
Monuments: 1
Tax Rate: High Tax (1 Revenue per 2 Townsfolk or Men-At-Arms)
Rationing: Double Rations (2 Food Stocks eaten for each Townsfolk or Man-At-Arms)
Subject's Loyalty: 66%
Faith: 62%
King's Favour: 48%

Lord's Response


I am greatly pleased to see the realm progressing in such a manner. There is little to do this season, we shall simply continue on our way.

Pay the required taxes. Sow the crops as Agricultural crops. Use our gold stockpiles to clear two plots of land within Ravenloft. Sell Foodstocks, to a safe level, to cover any expense that goes beyond our current stockpile of gold.

See that my orders are carried out with swiftness and wisdom.

Jesubaelith The Ironheart, Lord of Gothica.

Summer of Year 3

Dear Sire...

It is now Summer, and the crops planted in the previous Seasons have been Harvested. By your great wisdom, the food gathered from the crops shall hopefully feed the population for the year to come.

You commanded me to sell Food Stocks to cover the expenses of last Season, and I did so. 60 Food Stocks were sold for a profit of 20 Revenue, which was used to pay for the actions you ordered.

Speaking of such things, we could not clear the two Land Squares in Ravenloft you ordered cleared in the Spring, but the increased Revenue of the Summer allows us to do both this Season. Clearing shall be finished by the end of the Season.

I also have a piece of very troubling news to report, Adalhard, one of the peasantry of the Estate, has been found in possession of Heretical items!

The story of how he was discovered starts with his neighbours, who have a long held dispute with Adalhard about some trivial matter. Anyway, I shall soon get to the point, milord.

The neighbours reported seeing strange green and red lights coming from the windows of Adalhard's house at midnight. The Men-At-Arms assumed that this was just another chapter in their long-held dispute, but searched Adalhard's house just to keep the neighbours quiet.

As you can imagine, the Men-At-Arms were quite surprised when they were forced to subdue Adalhard to enter the house (he attacked them with a large club). When they finally did gain access to the fool's house, they found all sorts of Chaos-worshipper items. From amulets depicting the dreaded many-ended sigil of Chaos, to scrolls and summoning circles.

The house has since been razed to the ground, and the land it was on shall never be built upon again, for it is cursed by whatever foul activities Adalhard practised within the walls of the building.

What shall be the stupid Adalhard's punishment for trafficking with the Ruinous Powers (Slaanesh to be exact, the sages who examined the items say)and committing foul Heresy?

Now, with that chilling news reported, I turn your attention to the matters of state this Summer:

The Lord's Tax is a hefty 8 Revenue this Season, milord. Shall it be paid?

The Harvest was quite splendid, and many sacks of grain were added to our stockpiles, to be consumed in coming Seasons. However, with growth at its current rate, I fear we shall not be able to feed the population until the next Harvest on Double Rations. What do you wish to do about this, milord?

However, we did gain enough foodstuffs to feed the population on Full Rations, and for that we should pay tribute to the blessed Lady of the Lake. How much Revenue and Food Stocks do you wish to spend to this end on the annual Harvest Day Festival?

Revenue stocks are lot at present, so no construction (besides the construction of an Animal Barn or Gambling Den) may be performed this Season.

Do you wish to change the Tax Rate or Rationing this Season? Summer is a good time to do so, if you wish it to be done.

Finally, if you have any other plans, just inform me and I shall see them done, if resources allow for it, that is.

Your wise leadership shall bring us into a new age of greatness, milord.

Your humble scribe,

Alfred the Clockmaker.

Revenue: 9
Food Stocks: 468
Townsfolk: 67 (has grown by 8 since the start of the Season)
Idle Villagers: 17
Workers: 40
Farmers: 10
Men-At-Arms: 16
Land Squares (Total): 8
Free Land Squares: 2
Shelter Squares (Serf Level): 2
Farmstead Squares: 1
Field Squares: 2
Market Squares: 1
Trade Guilds: 1
Inns: 1
Monuments: 1
Tax Rate: High Tax (1 Revenue per 2 Townsfolk or Men-At-Arms)
Rationing: Double Rations (2 Food Stocks eaten for each Townsfolk or Man-At-Arms)
Subject's Loyalty: 67%
Faith: 60%
King's Favour: 59%
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This game is only fan rules, and no challenge is intended to any of the rights of Games Workshop. As I said, these rules are merely fan rules. Enjoy!